Have your say!
Council acknowledges the expertise of your organisation and welcomes your feedback on our draft Active Transport Plan.
You can provide your feedback by reading the draft Plan (below) and then:
- completing the feedback form below
- uploading a written submission
- emailing a written submission to yoursay@moretonbay.qld.gov.au
We also invite you to share a quote or photos of people walking or riding in City of Moreton Bay that we can include in our final plan. You will find the link to do this at the bottom of this page.
Consultation closes 4pm Wednesday 11 September 2024.
draft Active Transport Plan
Read the draft Active Transport Plan before sharing your feedback with us.
Complete feedback form
Upload a submission
As an alternative to the online feedback form above, you can upload a written submission.
Submissions must include:
- your full name
- name of the organisation you are representing
- your email address (so we can let you know how we have responded to stakeholder feedback)
- a brief explanation of the reasons you support or oppose the plan, or aspects of the draft Plan.
Share quotes and photos
Share a quote or photos of people walking or riding in Moreton Bay and that represent our community.
Your photo or quote could be included in the Active Transport Plan, we'll credit your name as the contributor!