Work directly with Council to develop a draft Local Resilience Plan for your community.

The Community Resilience Task Force will

  • Represent a range of community viewpoints and a broad cross-section of the affected community.
  • Facilitate two-way communication between Council and community members with the aim of sharing knowledge and building a mutual understanding of issues associated to the project.
  • Provide input into identifying suitable and acceptable actions to work towards improving resilience in their community.
  • Encourage property owners in their communities to take action to improve the resilience of their homes.

Read the Terms of Reference and complete the form below to nominate yourself as a member.

Nominations close at midnight on 8 September 2024.

Collection notice

Moreton Bay City Council (Council) is collecting your personal information for the purpose of informing the Beachmere Resilience Plan pilot project, Toorbul Resilience Plan pilot project and the Donnybrook and Meldale Resilience Plan pilot project. Council will also use your contact information to update Council’s customer information records and to contact you about the Project and other functions, services and projects of Council. Council may use the information you provide to inform our other functions, services and projects.