This planning scheme amendment and new Planning Scheme Policy have now been adopted.

Caboolture West is Council’s single largest growth area and is expected to accommodate a population of approximately 70,000 residents over the next 40 years.

Neighbourhood Development Plan No.1 (referred to as NDP1) is the first neighbourhood development plan prepared to manage growth within Caboolture West.

NDP1 is approximately 266 hectares in area and is bounded by the Caboolture River to the north and west, Caboolture River Road to the south and existing suburban residential areas to the east.

The NDP1 amendment provides the planning framework to support a new urban community of approximately 2,500–3,000 new dwellings over the next 10–15 years that includes:

  • a diverse housing options in well-designed and walkable neighbourhoods
  • a potential new State primary school
  • district-level sporting fields and a network of local parks
  • approximately 70 hectares of green space of which nearly 4.5 kilometres fronts the Caboolture River with pedestrian and bike paths
  • a local centre to accommodate shopping and other services.

The proposed planning scheme amendment for NDP1 was made available for public comment from 27 April to 25 May 2021 and at this same time a State Interest review was also undertaken. A total of 49 submissions were received. These were considered by Council and how Council responded to the matters raised is documented in the consultation report.

On 26 October 2021, the planning scheme amendment for NDP1 and a new Planning Scheme Policy that supports it came into effect. The Planning Scheme Policy provides an overview of the land use and infrastructure planning rationale that was used to prepare the amendment. The amendment and the Planning Scheme Policy can be viewed and downloaded from Council’s website.

The current Moreton Bay Regional Council Planning Scheme can be viewed on Council's website.