The draft Cultural and Community Places Plan describes how we will continue to meet our communities needs in this area as our population grows. This includes all spaces for cultural activities, from libraries and art galleries to performance spaces and heritage trails. We also support community groups with public facilities such as community halls, storage, meeting spaces and event spaces.

The Cultural and Community Places Plan is a commitment of City of Moreton Bay's Community Wellbeing Strategy.

Community feedback

Between 9 August and 9 September 2024, we invited community feedback on the draft Cultural and Community Places Plan.

Thank you to those who shared their views with us. The feedback you provided will be considered as the plan is finalised for Council's consideration.

A summary outlining what we heard during the engagement can be downloaded here.

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What we heard

  • Growth areas

    Increasing demand for services in growing areas.

  • Homelessness

    More support for people experiencing homelessness.

  • New facilities

    Desire for new cultural and community places to be built..

Draft Cultural and Community Places Plan

The draft Plan aims to provide of a range of cultural and community places that support our vibrant communities as they come together to celebrate different cultural and life experiences.

We will achieve that by focussing on the following goals:

  • Our places provide facilities that support healthy and active lifestyle choices for our communities.
  • Our places are safe facilities that support our communities’ resilience and capacity to recover from major events and adversity.
  • Our places provide facilities for participation in creative experiences and celebrate our stories, cultures, and identities.
  • Our places and facilities are designed and built to be respectful, inclusive and allow for diversity and connection within our communities.

The plan establishes a series of policy areas and actions for implementation to help Council achieve the outcomes desired by the plan.

These policies support or investigate:

  • activation of centres across City of Moreton Bay with an aim to enhance precincts and hubs
  • environmental Sustainability for the development of cultural and community facilities
  • good design principles for cultural and community facilities
  • cost benefit (social return and monetary)
  • assessment of communities’ social needs and how these can be supported by cultural and community places
  • innovation and partnerships in delivering cultural and community places
  • land preservation for future community facilities
  • relationships to Traditional Custodians
  • a process for evaluating potential projects and priorities.

Feedback received on the Community Wellbeing Strategy and Moreton Says data was used to understand community sentiment and priorities around values and priorities for cultural and community spaces.

Council also undertook a number of benchmarking studies to identify best practice responses to current and projected future community needs. This included workshops with internal stakeholders and experts.

Moreton Says feedback

You told us in the Moreton Says survey that cultural and community places are an important part of the lifestyle of City of Moreton Bay residents.
  • 65% of residents have visited a Library in the past 12 months.

  • 59% of residents visit cultural and community places to have fun or be entertained.

  • 32% of residents enjoy visiting local museums.

Related projects

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Moreton Bay City Council (Council) is collecting your personal information for the purpose of informing the Cultural and Community Places Plan project. Council will also use your contact information to update Council’s customer information records and to contact you about the Project and other functions, services and projects of Council. Council may use the information you provide to inform our other functions, services and projects.