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Cyclone Alfred

Cyclone Alfred is not the first tropical cyclone to impact South East Queensland, and it won't be the last.

Dealing with major weather events like cyclones is challenging for everyone in our community.

The challenges you face can be very different, depending on where you live and what your circumstances are.

We are inviting you to share your stories of the many ways Cyclone Alfred affected you and your community, to help us be better prepared for future events.

Your stories

Share your stories about the Cyclone Alfred's impacts. This could include:

  • damage to homes or businesses
  • local flooding
  • erosion
  • road and bridge impacts, like flooding or damage
  • fallen trees, power lines, or other objects
  • areas that were isolated, for example whole streets cut off by fallen trees or powerlines
  • disruption to services or supplies (e.g. power blackouts, shops without stocks), especially if they lasted more than 72 hours
  • impacts on people (e.g. stress related health episodes, loss of income, or school closures)
  • any other cyclone-related impacts.

There are two ways you can share your story.

Option 1 - Add your story to our interactive map below

Option 2 - Complete a form by clicking the 'Start' button in the box below the map

Both options will collect the same information.

Option 1 - Interactive map

Option 2 - Complete a form

Moreton Bay City Council (Council) is collecting your personal information for the purpose of general disaster management and infrastructure planning. Your responses may be shared with consultants or researchers supporting delivery of future projects. Council will also use your contact information to update Council’s customer information records and to contact you about the Project and other functions, services and projects of Council. Council may use the information you provide to inform our other functions, services and projects.

Preparing, responding and recovering

Be prepared before an event. Respond during an event. Recover after an event. Be ready for whatever happens.