Consultation has concluded for Stage 1 Gympie Road street-scaping upgrade
In mid September 2021, Council undertook early consultation on the Gympie Rd Street-scaping upgrade with landowners, business and community members that would be directly affected by construction works.
As well as meeting with groups directly, all stakeholders had the opportunity to formally submit feedback and concerns through a survey link.
The responses you provided helped greatly in our efforts to:
- gather data and information about how future construction would impact businesses and the community
- implement measures to limit impacts on customer and vehicle-access while works are underway.
- acknowledge community concerns and influence the final street-scape outcomes.
We would like to thank all participants for their valuable feedback. The landscape works for the project can be viewed in the 'Important Documents' section on the right-hand side.
Project Overview
Council is upgrading a section of footpath along Gympie Road in Strathpine.
The aim of the project is to improve public safety and accessibility by:
- renewing footpaths
- replacing street furniture
- upgrading driveway surfacing
- refurbishing street number signage
- installing new pavements that promotes water filtration to the soil below, improving moisture retention for the iconic gateway Hoop Pine trees.
The Hoop Pines (Araucaria Cunninghamii) located along the Gympie Road verges are iconic features of Strathpine. Council is committed to long term preservation of the Hoop Pines including protection during the construction period.
The footpaths remain safe for public use until construction work begins.
314 Gympie Road (opposite Learmonth Street) up to and including 400 Gympie Road (adjacent to Hungry Jacks) in Strathpine.
What can you expect during construction work?
Things will look slightly different along Gympie Road while construction work is underway in the first half of 2022. You may see:
- temporary footpaths providing alternative access to businesses
- temporary wayfinding signage
- construction site fencing and mesh
- construction machinery on site which may at times be noisy.
Council’s aim is to undertake potentially high impact works outside of normal business hours where feasible.