Council is planning a number of projects on Pumicestone Road in Caboolture to improve safety for all road users, improve traffic operations and complete a missing link in the active transport network. Click here to view the concept plans for these projects.
Pumicestone Road/Jensen Road intersection upgrade
Planning is underway for the upgrade of the intersection to traffic lights to improve traffic operations and safety for motorists, cyclists and pedestrians.
Key features of the project include:
- installation of traffic signals at the intersection including signalised pedestrian crossings
- realignment and widening of Pumicestone Road to allow two inbound lanes and one outbound lane
- dedicated right and left turn lanes into and out of Jensen Road
- sealed shoulder/cycle lane between 2 and 2.5 metres wide on both sides of Pumicestone Road and a cycle lane within the intersection on Jensen Road
- a parking/manoeuvring lane for frontage properties along the eastern side of Pumicestone Road and in Jensen Road (where space is available)
- raised medians at the intersection to separate traffic and control movements. Medians are kept to a minimum to retain property access where safe to do so
- drainage upgrades and reconstruction, where required
- View intersection upgrade concept plans
Council has recently reviewed projects surrounding Pumicestone Road including; drainage upgrades, new parks and transport projects. Timing and extent of works to the intersection upgrade may vary to ensure projects are delivered as needed. We will update the community when the revised timing is known.
Pathway link - Eastern side of Pumicestone Road
A 2.5 metre wide shared path on the eastern side of Pumicestone Road from Jensen Road to connect to the existing path at 155 Pumicestone Road to complete the ‘missing link’ in the broader active transport network.
The path is being designed to suit existing constraints and accommodate long-term planning to minimise future rework, where possible. Some trees and vegetation on the verge will need to be removed to accommodate the project.
Pathway works will be completed before the intersection upgrade with a small segment reconstructed to suit the intersection relocation as part of that upgrade project.
The proposed path alignment may change as detailed investigations are completed and the design is further developed.
Pathway link - Western side of Pumicestone Road
An investigation is underway for a shared path along the western side of Pumicestone Road to connect between Beerburrum Road and the existing path at Goshawk Drive.
Community engagement will commence in the near future as part of planning for this project.
View Pumicestone Road east path concept plan.
Community Engagement
The concept design for the intersection and eastern pathway link were shared with the community and feedback was invited between December 2021 - April 2022.
Four submissions were received during this period. The submissions were generally supportive of the projects, with two of the submissions providing specific feedback on parts of the intersection design.
Council would like to thank participants for their feedback and involvement in the community engagement process. All feedback is being considered as the designs are developed further.