Consultation has concluded.

Council sought feedback from the local community regarding the installation of a small dog off-leash area at Sylvia Gibbs Park, Nyora Street, Everton Hills between 13 April 2021 and 16 May 2021.

The project aims to retrofit the small dog off-leash area to within the fenceline of the existing dog off-leash area.

Listed below were four (4) options available for the proposed project.

Option 1: Do Nothing

  • No small dog off-leash area or additional infrastructure to be installed.

Option 2: Southern End

  • New fenceline to provide a small dog off-leash area that will include the existing park shelter on the southern side of the park. This option will ensure that the dog agility equipment will remain available to those using the existing dog off-leash area. This option will additionally include the installation of a new park shelter and seating to the existing dog off-leash area

Option 3: Western End

  • New fenceline to provide a small dog off-leash area that will include the existing park shelter on the southern side of the park as well as the existing dog agility equipment. This option will additionally include the installation of a new park shelter and seating to the existing dog off-leash area.

Option 4: Eastern End

  • New fenceline to provide a small dog off-leash area at the Eastern end of the existing dog off-leash area. This option will include a new shelter, seating, bubbler and pathway connection.

Thank you for your feedback

Council wishes to thank the local community for responding to the Sylvia Gibbs Park, Everton Hills - Dog Off-Leash Area Improvements consultation.

In total Council received 134 survey responses: 84 responders were in favour of the project; 38 responders were not in favour of the project; and 12 responders did not provide a response.

Out of the 84 positive responses: 24 responders chose the Southern End; 24 responders chose the Western End; and 36 responders chose the Eastern End.

Based on this community feedback, Council will proceed with constructing the small dog-off leash area at the Eastern End of the existing dog off leash area at Sylvia Gibbs Park (Option 4 above). The project will include the installation of fencing, a new shelter, seating, a bubbler and a pathway connection to the existing path on Nyora Street. Works are expected to be constructed in the 2021/22 financial year.

The Sylvia Gibbs Park, Everton Hills - Dog Off-Leash Area Improvements survey has now concluded