The Moreton Bay region is spectacular and unique, with a diverse natural environment.

Our Biodiversity Plan will consider biodiversity values in the Moreton Bay region, the threats posed to them, and opportunities to connect, protect and enhance them.

It will set strategic investment priorities for the coming decades.

Protecting the natural environment needs all of us to work together, so the Biodiversity Plan will include actions for Council, the community, and other stakeholders, and identify where advocacy for action by other levels of government is needed.

It's all part of our commitment to going green as we grow.

Get involved

We’re committed to working with the community to develop a Biodiversity Plan that reflects residents’ priorities.

Register your interest in being part of our Biodiversity Stakeholder Reference Group and bring the voice of the community to the planning table. Nominations are now closed.

Or share your best photos of our unique natural environment. Your photo could be included in the Biodiversity Plan, and we'll credit your name as the photographer. Submissions are now closed.

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  • Join the Biodiversity Stakeholder Reference Group

    Bring your community's voice to the planning table and help us get this important plan right. We're committed to working together to develop a Biodiversity Plan that reflects community priorities.

    Nominations closed 5pm on Monday 24 July 2023.

    Click the 'Follow' button to receive project updates!