Over the last two years we asked for your ideas and aspirations to inform the development of a suite of long-term strategies.
We have listened and are excited to present six strategies:
- Community Wellbeing
- Environment and Sustainability
- Growth Management
- Integrated Transport
- Organisational Excellence
- Regional Economic Development (was endorsed by Council in 2020)
These strategies will inform our council’s priorities for the next 20 years.
At the heart of these strategies is our vision: Our Moreton Bay. Amazing Places. Natural Spaces.
In implementing these strategies, we will realise this vision through balancing growth while protecting the natural beauty of our region and sustaining our unique Moreton Bay lifestyles.
Community feedback
We invited community feedback on our strategies between 15 February and 19 March 2023.
After considering community feedback earlier this year, Council has now adopted the strategies.
Thank you to everyone who provided feedback.
Our strategies
Community Wellbeing
Growth Management
Integrated Transport
Organisational Excellence
Regional Economic Development
Our Moreton is an important program that will shape the future of our Moreton Bay.
The aim of the program is to develop, in consultation with our communities, a new Corporate Plan and suite of long-term strategies.
In June 2022, we adopted the new Moreton Bay Regional Council Corporate Plan (2022-2027) which sets out our long-term vision and roadmap for the next five years.
Our Corporate Plan is structured around five strategic pillars. Each of these pillars is supported by a strategy or strategies. This suite of strategies will help us achieve our vision of becoming a region of amazing places and natural spaces.

What you have told us
We have undertaken a series of region-wide Moreton Says surveys and consultation activities to identify the priorities of our communities for the long-term future of our Moreton Bay.
- Moreton Says: Over 8,500 responses across three Moreton Says surveys have helped us better understand what’s important to our communities. Community members took these opportunities to input into our decision making and future roadmap. Find out more about the program and view the results here.
- Round One: This consultation focused on collecting input to inform the development of the Corporate Plan and the Community Wellbeing Strategy. Activities included a series of community pop-ups, focus groups and a survey. You can read the Engagement Report here.
- Round Two: We focused on collecting input for the development of the Environment and Sustainability, Growth Management, and Integrated Transport strategies. Activities included in-person and online summits, pop-ups and a survey. You can read the Engagement Report here.
- Feedback on draft Corporate Plan: Between 20 April and 16 May 2022 we invited our communities read the draft Corporate Plan 2022 - 2027 and share their thoughts with us via a survey. Thank-you to everyone who took the time to provide feedback. You can read the Engagement Summary Report here.
- Corporate Plan release: You can read the Corporate Plan 2022-2027 here.
Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to contribute your input and provide feedback. The insights gained from the community’s input, along with data and insights from leading experts, has helped shape our long-term planning to achieve our vision of becoming a region of amazing places and natural spaces.