
Centenary Lakes Revamp Engagement Report

31 August 2022

Click here to read the report.

Centenary Lakes is already one of the jewels of our region, but there is room for improvement.

We asked you to tell us what you’d like to see included in a future vision for the park and sports complex. Community input is an important part of planning for the future of our parks and recreation spaces. Your feedback, insights and collaboration are an essential part of developing a Masterplan for Centenary Lakes.

We are still early in the planning, so we asked what you wanted to see included. We invited sporting clubs, residents and visitors to participate by:

  • adding comments to an online interactive map
  • attending one of our pop-up community displays and participating in activities like our ‘dotmocracy’ board
  • providing your feedback by email
  • sporting clubs were invited to on site meetings, a group workshop and a targeted survey

We had 115 comments on our interactive map, 100+ conversations at pop-up events, 414 stickers on our dotmocracy board and meetings with 11 sporting clubs. Thank you to everyone who got involved and took the time to tell us what you think.

young boy interacting with a dotmocracy board