We are transforming Cosmos Park

Creating vibrant and healthy communities is a priority for Council. We are planning to transform Cosmos Park, Banksia Beach into a District Recreation Park that caters to a variety of users, now and into the future.

Cosmos Park is approximately 7,500m2 and is an important part of the Banksia Beach community. The park is home to the Bribie Island Croquet Club and Tennis Club and adjoins the Solander Lake Bowls Club. The park currently offers a range of recreation activities and includes a Dog Off-Leash Area (DOLA) and a large kickabout space.

The size, location and uniqueness of Cosmos Park mean that it is a key recreational site for the community. When the planned upgrades are completed, it will be the first park of District Recreation standard on Bribie Island.

District Recreation Parks provide a large park area and informal recreation opportunities for users from several neighbourhoods. Strategically located within easy walking distance of residences, these spaces meet the long-term, ongoing needs of our communities.

Council prepared a Concept Plan to guide the future development of Cosmos Park. The plan seeks to ensure the park is inclusive for all community members and offers district-level recreation opportunities.

Take a look at the concept plan (as at August 2023).

Community feedback

Between 9 August and 6 September 2023, we invited community feedback on the Concept Plan for the upgrade and the style of play at Cosmos Park. Thank you for completing the survey and sharing your views with us.

You can read about what the community told us in the Communication and Engagement Summary.

Next steps

Stage 1 of the upgrade to Cosmos Park will commence in mid-2024. To find out more about the delivery of works, visit City of Moreton Bay's Parks, recreation and community venues projects page.