Transforming the heart of Dayboro
Over time, Dayboro has seen Roderick A. Cruice Park transform from a community meeting place to the thriving heart and soul of Dayboro, housing large-scale drawcard events for the district like Dayboro Day.
City of Moreton Bay supports vibrant communities and well-planned places, and we know from Moreton Says, and previous consultations, that there is demand for better park facilities in Dayboro.
The upgrades will expand and enhance the existing park in the heart of Dayboro to:
- better accommodate and harmonise the various activities that take place here
- improve connectivity and safety throughout the park
- give the local community a functional space for events and recreation
- showcase the heritage of Dayboro
- create a destination that attracts people.
Community feedback
Between 15 April and 20 May 2024, we invited community feedback on the overall draft Concept Plan and what elements Council should prioritise in the park.
Community members could provide feedback online via an interactive mapping tool or survey, as well as via email. Community members were also given face-to-face opportunities to have their say at a pop-up at the Dayboro Markets and stakeholder meetings prior to and during consultation.
Thank you to all those who contributed to this process.
While residents are generally supportive of the park receiving upgrades. There are concerns with some aspects of the draft Concept Plan.
Top issues raised:
- Concern removal of car parks in and around the park’s perimeter will exacerbate parking issues, make it harder to access the toilets and sporting facilities, and create a barrier for community organisations operating within the park
- Desire to prioritise a park shelter, toilet upgrade, junior playground and shade trees
- Concern proposed streetscaping and planter boxes may create traffic congestion and safety issues.
An updated concept plan will be released to the public in late 2024.
Read the Community Engagement Summary report.
Past Consultation
In late 2021, we asked the Dayboro community for their ideas and aspirations for the park’s future design. Find out more about past consultation.