Moreton Bay is the third largest and one of the fastest growing local government areas in Australia.

Council continually reviews and refines its long-term planning to deliver the infrastructure needed to service projected residential and economic growth, and maintain the natural spaces that our community loves.

Having a plan of infrastructure that is required to service our growing population enables us to:

  • identify and preserve the land required for future infrastrucutre
  • understand costs for the future infrastrucutre
  • develop the infrastructure needed to service our community

A Local Government Infrastructure Plan (LGIP) is part of a planning scheme and identifies Council’s plans for trunk infrastructure that is needed to service urban development at the desired standard of service in a coordinated and efficient way.

LGIP identifies the trunk infrastructure needed to support planned urban development in the local community. The LGIP helps Council meet community expectations by transparently and accountably documenting our planned spending on trunk infrastructure.

Trunk infrastructure is larger, significant infrastructure that supports growth and benefits several development sites. Council has a direct responsibility for the following networks:

  • transport (e.g. roads, active transport, intersections)
  • parks (e.g. public parks and sporting facilities)
  • land for community facilities (e.g. land for libraries and community centres).

Planning and delivery of water and sewerage supply is the responsibility of Unitywater.

The LGIP forms part of the MBRC Planning Scheme, under Part 4 and Schedule 3. Adoption of the proposed LGIP Amendment No. 2 will not amend any other parts of the Planning Scheme.

The PIA is an area serviced or intended to be serviced by development infrastructure networks used or approved for urban purposes and will accommodate 10 to 15 years of growth.

Development can occur outside the PIA. However, the conditioning of development infrastructure to service the development will be different than that for a development within the PIA.

Public parks provide opportunities for nature appreciation, fitness activities, youth spaces, social gatherings, events, and water quality solutions compatible with recreation uses.

Investing in public parks is a long-term strategy for Moreton Bay’s sustainable future. This investment will support a thriving region where people want to live, work and play. Great parks provide our communities with their unique identity and a sense of civic pride. Proximity to well-designed and managed parks and green spaces can result in higher property values and have a positive influence on business performance, investor confidence, lifestyle, health, place character and biodiversity.

Public parks within the LGIP network are described by both the scale of the area they service; regional, district or local and the type of functions they deliver; recreation, civic or sports.

Read more about location and design considerations on Council's website.

The projects within the LGIP are mostly funded through infrastructure charges and rates.

Not every project can be delivered immediately. Council must budget for projects to happen at the right time when their delivery best responds to demand.

Council does this by carefully monitoring development and demand for infrastructure across the region in both new and existing areas.

If Council’s assumptions about growth change, then projects may be brought forward, delayed, deferred or replaced with alternative infrastructure that fulfils the same function.

The LGIP only represents a part of the infrastructure Council delivers each year. Council may decide to deliver other infrastructure projects that are not in the LGIP at any time if there is an identified need for the project, and it is feasible to progress it.