City of Moreton Bay is one of the largest and fastest growing council areas in Australia. Managing this growth requires investment in a range of infrastructure and services, by all levels of government and the private sector.

We know from Moreton Says, that as our population grows and development occurs, maintaining the character of City of Moreton Bay is important to our community. Our communities have told us they would like us to plan for parks and recreation places, leafy green character with trees in streets and yards, connections to bushland and waterways and friendly streets for riding bikes and walking.

Planning for infrastructure as we grow

Council continuously reviews and adjusts long-term planning. This helps Council to continue to deliver the infrastructure needed to service project residential and economic growth, while maintaining the natural spaces our community loves.

This planning supports our goal that by 2033, Moreton Bay will be a network of well-planned and connected places and spaces, enhancing lifestyle, accessibility and employment choices.

It is important that infrastructure is delivered where and when it is needed. To guide the delivery of trunk infrastructure (stormwater, roads, active transport, parks and land for community facilities), our Planning Scheme includes our Local Government Infrastructure Plan (LGIP). An LGIP is important because it:

  • integrates infrastructure planning with land use planning
  • identifies trunk infrastructure necessary to support and service our growing communities
  • preserves the land needed to deliver future infrastructure
  • ensures trunk infrastructure is planned and delivered efficiently and in a cost-effective way
  • provides a basis for Council to levy infrastructure charges on new development. These levies can then be used to fund the trunk infrastructure.

Responding to growth and changing demand

The LGIP is intended to be reviewed and amended at regular intervals, to make sure it responds to growth and changing demand for trunk infrastructure. Amending the LGIP follows a statutory process and is done in accordance with the Minster’s Guidelines and Rules. Our most recent LGIP amendment was adopted and commenced in December 2021 (LGIP Amendment No. 1). Visit the LGIP Amendment No. 1 webpage to read more about this amendment.

On 14 June 2023, Council resolved to commence the process for amending the LGIP to reflect:

  • refinements to trunk network planning that has been completed since December 2021,
  • updates to the Schedule of Works (SOW) to reflect these refinements and updates unit costs to deliver trunk infrastructure, and
  • administrative updates to make the LGIP easier to read and use.

Next steps

On 15 May 2024, Council decided to progress the proposed LGIP Amendment No. 2 to the State Government for its review. Read the Council minutes, and all the documents in the proposed LGIP Amendment No. 2, here.

The proposed LGIP Amendment No. 2 could change as a result of the State Government review.

If the State Government and Council agrees to proceed with the proposed LGIP Amendment No. 2 after the State review, the community will then be invited to have your say on the proposed LGIP Amendment No. 2 during a statutory consultation period. Your feedback will help inform the content of the final LGIP Amendment No.2 before the State Government and Council can then consider whether to adopt it.

To be notified about the opportunity to have your say, click the +Follow button at the top of this page.