Project update December 2024

Council has recently progressed Phase 1 of the Narangba East Planning Investigation. In January 2025, we will be sending letters to all landowners within or adjacent to the Narangba Rural Residential Investigation Area to provide an update on Phase 1 outcomes and next steps.

Phase 1 is an early step in the planning process and does not involve any amendments to the planning scheme. There are no changes to the planning rules or zoning of land at this time. Further planning and community engagement will follow in phases 2 and 3 of the project. Further information is provided below and in the Frequently Asked Questions on this webpage.

Planning investigations for future growth

Council is planning for our city's future growth. As part of this, we are developing a long-term vision for land in Narangba East. This planning process will occur over multiple phases to investigate the area's suitability for future urban development, including housing and employment as our city continues to grow.

Narangba East's strategic location near major transport infrastructure means the area has the potential to cater for additional employment/industrial and residential uses. Not all land within the area will be suitable for future urban development. Suitability will be established through further investigations, considering factors such as surrounding land uses, regional land supply needs, community feedback, available or planned infrastructure, site-based environmental values and other constraints.

The purpose of the Narangba East Planning Investigation project is to:

  • deliver a well-planned, complete community
  • establish a new employment / industrial precinct over parts of the area to provide local jobs
  • identify preferred locations for new housing, a centre and retail services, parks and recreational facilities, roads and movement connections
  • protect environmental corridors
  • provide better transparency and certainty of development outcomes for the community.
The Narangba East Planning Investigations are being undertaken across three phases:

Phase 1 outlines Council’s long-term intent for planning in the area to help support the City’s future housing and employment growth. Phase 1 is not a planning scheme amendment and does not change the local planning rules or the zoning of land.

The findings from Phase 1 are presented in the Narangba East Preliminary Planning Directions Map. The map identifies areas where Council will focus further detailed planning during Phase 2. These include:

Emerging community investigation areas

These areas require further investigations to determine their suitability for future urban residential growth.

Future enterprise and employment areas

We will plan for land to support long-term employment and economic opportunities for the city. This will involve detailed planning to respond to the needs of current residents and future industrial and employment growth.

Indicative environmental connections

We will investigate these connections to protect high value environmental corridors for local fauna and flora, manage areas affected by potential flooding and bushfire, integrate recreation spaces and active transport pathways and provide separation between different land uses.

Retained rural residential areas

There are no proposed changes to these areas.

As part of Phase 1, Council completed a land use feasibility study investigating the potential for employment/industrial land use options and feasibility within the Rural Residential Investigation Area (RRIA). The study found parts of RRIA have the potential to accommodate a future employment/industrial precinct.

Council is also progressing a Precinct Plan to guide urban development for a future residential neighbourhood and centre covering the area in the Emerging Community Zone, Interim Precinct located immediately east of Narangba Station. Planning for this area will be through a separate process and updates and will be provided as it progresses.

Refer to the Frequently Asked Questions on this project page for additional information.

Informed by Phase 1 findings and the Narangba East Preliminary Planning Directions Map, Council will undertake detailed land use, environmental and infrastructure planning work to prepare an Integrated Structure Plan to guide long-term growth in the area for housing and employment opportunities.

Phase 2 will involve further planning to consider how to best implement new housing and employment/industrial land over parts of the area while managing change to support the lifestyle and amenity of existing residents. Community and stakeholder engagement will occur at key milestones during Phase 2 to inform planning outcomes.

Council will prepare planning scheme amendments to implement the Integrated Structure Plan and other policy directions prepared in Phase 2. Any proposed changes to the current local planning rules will go through a statutory process and include community engagement.

Council will be seeking input from the community at key milestones throughout the project. To be notified about opportunities to have your say, click the +Follow button on the top left of this page.