Council commenced the Narangba East Planning Investigation in 2023 as part of a multi-phase planning process to:

  • accommodate future growth including housing, employment and important community infrastructure
  • satisfy obligations under the Queensland Government's South East Queensland Regional Plan to accommodate future growth. This includes reviewing the long-term role of non-urban land in the urban footprint
  • investigate potential new employment land to meet long term regional land use needs as identified in the Urban Areas Employment Lands Investigation Report to support jobs in the city area
  • respond to increasing private development and landowner pressure (in the form of urban residential development applications lodged over rural residential land) ahead of a long-term plan being established for the area and the community.

Narangba East has local services such as shops, businesses and industrial areas, a train station, access to the Bruce Highway and other community services. Parts of Narangba East have already transitioned from rural residential areas to urban neighbourhoods which has led to an investment in infrastructure and services such as new schools, roads, parks and community facilities. The Narangba East Planning Investigation will manage ongoing change in developing a long-term plan for the area.

The planning investigations for Narangba East will focus on two areas:

Rural Residential Investigation Area (RRIA)

Since 2009, Narangba East has been identified as land within the Urban Footprint by the Queensland Government's South East Queensland Regional Plan.

Large areas of rural residential land were identified in the 2012 Narangba East Strategy as requiring further investigations including environmental health assessments to be undertaken in response to their proximity to the Narangba Innovation Precinct. Council is undertaking investigations within the RRIA to assess the suitability of future urban uses including potential employment uses to inform long-term land use directions. This does not assume all land within the RRIA will be suitable for future urban development. This will be established through detailed planning as part of the investigations.

Emerging Community Zone (Interim Precinct) Area

Detailed planning is underway to identify preferred locations for new housing, future centres, parks, open space and community infrastructure and facilities, and key connections focused around the Narangba train station. This is to provide a community focus and create a desirable place for people to live, work and play.

Planning for this area will be through a separate process and will include community engagement at key milestones.