Draft future directions report
A shared vision for Morayfield
City of Moreton Bay invites you to have your say on our draft Morayfield Neighbourhood Planning Future Directions Report (draft Report) to help shape your community.
City of Moreton Bay is committed to sustainably managing growth and preserving 75% of the
city as rural and natural landscapes, free from urban development. By increasing the supply
and diversity of housing in well-serviced neighbourhoods like Morayfield, we can meet the
population and housing objectives outlined by the Queensland Government while preserving
75% of the city. This approach is one of Council’s strategies to avoid a reliance on future
greenfield expansions to accommodate our projected growth and reduce the impacts that
this would have on our natural, scenic, and productive landscapes.
The draft Report supports these goals by offering a clear plan for growth that promotes
development near existing infrastructure and services. It also creates opportunities and
options for residents by promoting the delivery of diverse housing forms for different needs
or stages of life.
Once finalised and approved by Council, the Report will inform changes to the local planning rules and other projects and initiatives. This means that when development occurs, we are all working towards the same vision for the Morayfield Neighbourhood Planning project area (map on the right).
Community feedback on the draft Report is open until 4pm Monday 3 March 2025.
You can read the draft Report and supporting information by clicking on the boxes below.
Click the "Have your say" tab at the top of this page to provide your feedback.
Have your say
We are inviting community members to share their views on the draft Report.
You can have your say by doing one or all of the following:
- completing the quick poll
- completing the feedback form
- talking to our team at an information pop-up
- emailing your feedback to our team.
Community feedback on the draft Report is open until 4pm Monday 3 March 2025.
You must be registered and logged in to Your Say Moreton Bay to share your views via the feedback form. Registration is free and open to everyone.
Talk to our team
Drop in to the Morayfield Shopping Centre at a time below to learn more or provide your feedback in person
Location | Date/Time |
Morayfield Shopping Centre 171 Morayfield Road, Morayfield (outside Williams) | Thursday 6 February 2025 9am-3pm |
Morayfield Shopping Centre 171 Morayfield Road, Morayfield (outside Williams) | Friday 7 February 2025 9am-3pm |
Morayfield Shopping Centre 171 Morayfield Road, Morayfield (outside Williams) | Saturday 8 February 2025 9am-3pm |
Collection notice
Moreton Bay City Council is collecting your personal information for the purpose of the Morayfield Neighbourhood Planning project. If you have provided your email address or other contact details, Council may contact you regarding the project. Council will also use your personal information to update Council’s customer information records and to contact you about other functions of Council.
Project background
The Morayfield Neighbourhood Planning Project
City of Moreton Bay launched the Morayfield Neighbourhood Planning project in April 2022 to address planning challenges and housing supply as our city grows. The Neighbourhood Planning project area is projected to grow by more than 18,000 people by 2046 which will bring the population to 53,545 residents. Through the Neighbourhood Planning project, we are aiming to better guide growth and development to help build on the things that make this neighbourhood unique.
Neighbourhood planning addresses local planning matters that can be changed or improved
by regulating new development (typically over a 5 to 10-plus year timeframe). Growth in
existing neighbourhoods is inevitable but it needs to be done in consultation with the
Morayfield community to better accommodate growth and create better places to live.
That’s why we engaged locals to help us better understand what they love about their area
and what should be improved.
For more information about neighbourhood planning refer to the Frequently Asked Questions.
Alignment with ShapingSEQ
City of Moreton Bay is required to plan for an additional 308,300 people in 125,800 extra homes by 2046 under ShapingSEQ. This is the Queensland Government’s plan to manage South East Queensland’s future growth and respond to current housing pressures. For the Morayfield Neighbourhood Planning project area (map on right) that equates to more than 18,000 people by 2046.
ShapingSEQ identifies Caboolture/ Morayfield as a ‘Principal Regional Activity Centre’. This means the area is highly accessible and has key services like a train and bus station, shopping, business, community and cultural facilities. By 2046, Morayfield is expected to become more compact, mixed-use, and lively, offering a greater supply and variety of housing with improved urban amenity.
What you told us in earlier phases
We kicked off this project by asking the community what they love about the Morayfield area and what Council should focus on as the area grows and develops.
Between Tuesday 19 April and Monday 30 May 2022, people who live, work or visit the area were invited to participate by:
- completing the community survey
- dropping a pin on an interactive map
- attending a pop-up display
- nominating to be part of the Community Reference Group (CRG).
Please refer to our Engagement No. 1 Summary to find out what we heard through the survey, interactive map and pop-up displays.
Council met with the CRG four times between September and November 2022. For more information about the members, download the CRG member profile.
The CRG’s local knowledge and input was used alongside Engagement No. 1 Summary to develop a draft vision for the area and draft strategies to help us get there.
More detail on the discussions and key outcomes of the CRG is available in the meeting notes:
- Meeting 1 - 13 September 2022
- Meeting 2 - 4 October 2022
- Meeting 3 - 1 November 2022
- Meeting 4 - 29 November 2022
We recognise and thank the CRG members for the valuable contribution they have provided to the neighbourhood planning process.
Document library
draft Morayfield Neighbourhood Planning Future Directions ReportPDF (10.06 MB)
draft Morayfield Neighbourhood Planning Future Directions Report AttachmentsPDF (12.65 MB)
Morayfield Neighbourhood Planning Project Investigation Area MapPDF (7.45 MB)
Consultation Materials
Community Reference Group
CRG Meeting 4 - Discussions - 29 November 2022PDF (1.19 MB)
CRG Meeting 3 - Discussions - 1 November 2022PDF (1.95 MB)
Meeting Notes
CRG Meeting 2 - Discussions - 4 October 2022PDF (2.33 MB)
Meeting Notes
CRG Meeting 1 - Discussions - 13 September 2022PDF (979.17 KB)
Meeting Notes
CRG Member ProfilePDF (654.78 KB)
CRG Overview & Terms of ReferencePDF (440.81 KB)