We have a preferred sequence of growth that supports complete, sustainable and connected communities.

A preferred sequence of growth helps to prioritise investment in infrastructure, which in turn supports the delivery of complete, sustainable and connected communities. It also provides for more certain, timely, efficient and cost-effective delivery of infrastructure to support growth.

  • Growth monitoring and reporting
  • Local Government Infrastructure Plan (LGIP)
  • ‘Reshaping our region’s planning’ Program:
    • New Planning Scheme (Review) program
    • New Urban Growth Model.
  • Ensure a broad preferred sequence of growth is reflected in Council’s Planning Scheme to enable cost effective provision of infrastructure and services to support the preferred location and timing of urban growth.
  • A preferred sequence of growth informs Council’s land use planning, infrastructure planning and financial decision making for growth areas and is integrated with the urban growth boundary.
  • Council leads the planning for growth areas to ensure land use planning is integrated with infrastructure planning; and the planning scheme is amended as informed by community and stakeholder engagement.

This is an excerpt from the draft Growth Management Strategy.