We actively plan for the future and advocate in the best interests of our communities.

Council has worked with our communities to develop a new long-term vision along with five pillars that provide our strategic direction for the next 20 years. This opportunity creates a renewed sense of responsibility and accountability to deliver on our commitments.

Success will require an integrated approach that links our vision, Corporate Plan, strategies, day-to-day operations and communications to achieve true results and value for our communities. It also requires Council to be resilient and open to more change as we implement our strategies and plans.

For our communities to be on the journey with us, we must be transparent and accountable in our actions through regular monitoring and reporting on our performance and success. There are opportunities to continue to improve how we measure our success and community benefit in the future.

We will continue to work collaboratively with others and advocate for projects we know our communities want and will maximise emerging opportunities for our region. Strong, consistent positions and awareness of our communities’ aspirations will help strengthen our advocacy capability, reputation, and community identity.

Amazing places don’t just happen, they take planning.
  • Reinvigorating our integrated planning and performance framework to guide effective planning at all levels of Council.
  • Developing and launching Council’s refreshed vision for the region and new Corporate Plan that sets out a roadmap for the next five years.
  • Coordinating the Our Moreton program to guide the development of Council’s suite of long-term strategies and support better alignment and integration.
  • Facilitating a conversation with our communities about the possibility of becoming a city through our Reimagining Moreton Bay - A new kind of city initiative.
  • Supporting the operation of our beneficial enterprise, Millovate, to oversee the successful development and activation of The Mill as a landmark destination and knowledge hub.
  • Delivering our advocacy plan to provide a consistent approach to the region’s collaboration with partners to bring about change and investment in our communities.
  • Delivering our first Innovate Reconciliation Plan to facilitate stronger relationships, respect and meaningful opportunities with and for the region’s Traditional Owners and all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities across the region
  • Ensure our vision is understood and embedded across Council and communicated well to our partners and communities.
  • Ensure our strategies and plans are clearly aligned and drive our vision and goals for the future.
  • Ensure our messaging and branding is aligned and consistent with our vison and goals across our internal and external communication channels.
  • Grow our capacity to measure our success, supported by transparent and accountable performance reporting.
  • Grow our operational, service and business planning capabilities.
  • Enable progressive approaches to collaboration, partnerships and advocacy to realise our corporate plan and strategies, including with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

This is an excerpt from the draft Organisational Excellence Strategy.