Our communities have access to safe, affordable and diverse living choices.

It is important there are a range of available housing types that meet our community’s needs, including families, people with a disability, the elderly, and young. The choice of housing should also provide opportunities to reduce living costs (eg transport, heating, cooling) through the location, type and housing design.

  • Development Fees and Infrastructure Charges for Community Organisations and Charitable Groups Policy
  • ‘Reshaping our region’s planning’ Program:
    • Housing Needs Investigation
    • Neighbourhood Planning Program
    • Growth Areas Program.
  • Assist in the creation of complete communities and housing diversity to improve affordable living outcomes.
  • Understand and monitor the region’s current and future housing needs with relevant stakeholders.
  • Housing and surrounding public spaces and paths are designed to be safe and inclusive.
  • Encourage whole of life-cycle needs (including ageing population needs) in the provision and design of new housing.
  • Encourage housing to be designed for our sub-tropical climate to decrease reliance on mechanical heating and cooling, and reduce costs of living.
  • Urban growth is directed away from areas of higher natural hazard risks. Natural hazard risks are managed and mitigated in the design of new neighbourhoods.
  • Incentivise affordable living opportunities and housing that meets changing needs in urban areas close to services, high frequency public transport and centres, and encourage housing diversity in new housing estates.
  • Continue to undertake Neighbourhood Planning to consider communities’ changing housing and other needs.
  • Embed Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles in the design of public spaces and buildings, higher density housing, public transport areas, and new housing estates.
  • Encourage and promote climate smart building design.

This is an excerpt from the draft Growth Management Strategy.