We have respectful, inclusive and engaged communities that value
diversity and sustain connections to people and places.

Our region is diverse - from the distinct character of our suburbs and villages to our natural landscapes and cultural backgrounds and identities. Together, our communities embrace what our region has to offer and want to make it a better place for all.

Underpinning community feedback was the idea that connection to people and places builds the resilience and confidence of all people. We can collectively improve our own wellbeing and that of future generations by building our connection to each other through events, technology, activities, or to places with special cultural significance.

Our communities told us that neighbourhoods designed for physical and social connection were important, highlighting the critical need for safe and convenient active and public transport infrastructure, green spaces and playgrounds.

This strategy focuses on supporting social connection and creating public places where everyone feels welcome, while our Growth Management and Integrated Transport Strategies prioritise neighbourhood design and infrastructure networks to create complete and connected communities.

  • Increase community understanding and recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, histories, knowledge, and connections to Country.
  • Build the capacity of local leaders and service organisations to connect with residents and respond to their needs.
  • Provide accessible facilities and public spaces that enhance participation in community life.
  • Recognise and foster diversity in our communities to enhance their sense of belonging and connections between people and places.
  • Respond to the needs of different communities through local initiatives that enhance inclusion and equity.
  • Provide opportunities for residents to engage in lifelong learning opportunities in the ongoing pursuit of knowledge and life skills.

This is an excerpt from the draft Community Wellbeing Strategy.