We have well-planned neighbourhoods that support changing communities, respect cultural heritage and enjoy a unique sense of place.

It is important that our neighbourhoods continue to grow and evolve to respond to changing community needs and new housing estates are designed as complete communities. It is also important that the heritage, character and identity unique to each place is respected as it grows, and the community is engaged in planning for how growth and development best occurs in their area.

  • Moreton Says Survey
  • ‘Reshaping our region’s planning’ Program:
    • Great Places (Urban Design and Place Making) Program
    • Neighbourhood Planning Program
    • Growth Areas Program
    • Housing Needs Investigation
    • Heritage Planning Program.
  • Understand and respect the region’s cultural heritage values and include them in planning and design requirements.
  • Engage communities in planning for growth and defining important elements of a place’s character and identity.
  • Support new infill housing development in established urban neighbourhoods with well-designed buildings and places that are appropriate to its context (ie centre, urban or suburban), and reflect key elements of existing or desired future local character and identity.
  • Create neighbourhoods as vibrant, safe and sustainable complete communities with diversity of housing choices, community facilities and access to goods and services that meet residents’ existing and future needs.
  • Neighbourhoods provide diverse housing options, including a mix of tenures, densities and variety of lot sizes to provide choice and affordability for different lifestyle choices, life stages and meet current and future community needs.
  • Value and promote townships and important elements of local heritage, character and identity, and the role of good design and neighbourhood planning to create memorable and liveable places.
  • Inclusive neighbourhoods provide attractive, functional, safe and accessible places to support a mix of housing choices, social diversity and cultural expression.
  • Traditional Custodians’ connection to Country informs our planning
  • Council provides guidance on good local design outcomes that reflect the desired character and identity of place.
  • Council undertakes neighbourhood planning and structure planning for growth areas that reflect local needs and aspirations.
  • Develop neighbourhoods (including new communities) as complete communities with diverse housing and mixed uses. They are designed to encourage walking, cycling and public transport use to access local shopping facilities, open space and community hubs.

This is an excerpt from the draft Growth Management Strategy.