Our teams are safe, inclusive, capable, and empowered to deliver their best.

We want to build an organisational culture where our teams feel valued, inspired and empowered to help achieve our vision and provide the best services to our customers and communities.

We also want to attract diverse team members who share our values and have the skills to help realise our vision. It is important that our communities’ diversity is reflected in our teams. By embracing inclusion and opportunities to work collaboratively we will make our work more representative and resilient.

We spend a lot of time at work. Our physical and psychological work environments can influence our personal health and wellbeing. Personal wellbeing is a priority, based on the results of our internal engagement.

We want to give our team members the opportunity to develop their skills and confidence to do their work to the highest standards and therefore improve our performance. We are committed to celebrating our successes and learnings so we can all feel proud of the council we work for.

Council has worked hard to provide a range employee benefits, development opportunities and flexible working options for a good work-life balance. We want to publicise this and become an employer of choice.

100+ teams (departments and branches) deliver a wide range of services and programs to our communities
  • Refreshed our organisational values. We are communicating and embedding them into our culture to ensure they are lived every day, emphasising leaders’ roles.
  • Delivering a leadership development program to ensure existing and emerging leaders are supported to achieve their best.
  • Maturing our Wellbeing and Safety Management System to ensure our people are physically and psychologically safe and comply with legislative requirements.
  • Supporting flexible working by creating dynamic work spaces, devices and remote access to enable team members to work flexibly to improve wellbeing and performance.
  • Implementing annual performance planning (My Annual Plan) to connect and align every team member to achieve our vision and Corporate Plan objectives. The initial focus is on our managers and will include more team members over time.
  • Grow future fit leadership at all levels to support our values and deliver on our vision.
  • Create safe, healthy and resilient workplaces where team members feel supported, motivated and look out for each other.
  • Build vibrant workplaces that are inclusive, forward-thinking and connected, investing in pathways for cross-team collaboration.
  • Become an employer of choice, attracting and retaining the right people with the values and skills to help us realise our vision.

This is an excerpt from the draft Organisational Excellence Strategy.