We have infrastructure that integrates with surrounding land use and supports our growing communities.

It is important that growth is supported by necessary infrastructure and that the infrastructure is provided in a timely and cost-effective way. The most cost-effective way is for growth to utilise existing infrastructure as far as practical where there is existing capacity.

  • Integrated Transport Strategy
  • Local Government Infrastructure Plan (LGIP)
  • Development of strategic plans to guide provision of local government infrastructure and services
  • ‘Reshaping our region’s planning Program:
    • New Planning Scheme (Review) program
    • New Urban Growth Model.
  • Promote a compact urban form that ensures infrastructure and services are provided cost-effectively. Higher density housing and mixed uses occur in locations that are close to services, high frequency public transport and centres.
  • Lead and partner with federal and state governments and urban utility providers to ensure timely delivery of infrastructure and services to support our growth.
  • In addition to the public sector role in infrastructure and service provision, we recognise the role of private investment in delivering housing, employment, community and tourism facilities and infrastructure to support our growth.
  • Support planning for new growth areas with integrated land use, infrastructure planning and Council designed community engagement processes.
  • Design urban infrastructure that enables communities to connect with each other and create a positive sense of place.
  • Communities are complete with a network of safe and convenient sustainable transport options, including pedestrian, cycle, mobility scooters and public transport.
  • Achieve efficient use of infrastructure by prioritising more intense growth in established urban areas that are already serviced with supporting infrastructure such as utilities and public transport.
  • Use the urban growth boundary and preferred sequence of growth to plan future infrastructure investments with other providers.

This is an excerpt from the draft Growth Management Strategy.