City of Moreton Bay is planning upgrades at Sylvan Beach, Bellara. The upgrades will replace ageing infrastructure and provide new facilities for everyone to enjoy.
The draft masterplan was available for comment from 12 September to 21 October 2022.
The Bellara Foreshore masterplan includes future provision for:
- better accessibility throughout the foreshore area
- new and upgraded playgrounds, picnic areas and walkways
- more seating and shaded areas
- spaces to host small, pop up events and live music
- safer pedestrian access around roads and car parks
- new and upgraded toilet blocks
- new storage facilities for water sports groups
- lighting upgrades to key pathways and gathering areas.
City of Moreton Bay supports vibrant communities and well-planned places and we know the community wants to be consulted on Bellara Foreshore planning and management.
Moreton Says told us:
- Council's day-to-day management of the area is generally satisfactory, but there is room for improvement in the long term
- the community's lifestyle and identity are closely tied to the foreshore and natural environment
- the community believes Council plays an important role in preserving natural beauty and ecosystems.
Updated masterplan released
We've been busy finalising the Bellara Foreshore (Sylvan Beach) masterplan based on your ideas for improvement, which you can read in the detailed engagement summary report.
Now, we want to show you how we've incorporated your feedback into the updated masterplan. We’re also sharing detailed designs for the first stage of work including Marine Parade boat ramp and carpark, Crest Park and the new picnic area next to the shops.
A staged approach
Based on feedback received from the community and funding available, we have prioritised specific areas of the masterplan for the first stage of construction.
This first stage will include Marine Parade boat ramp and carpark, new picnic facilities, and small pop-up event area next to the shops in Crest Park.
The community told us they want to make this area safer and more enjoyable to use for more people, sooner rather than later.
The second stage will include upgrades to the Watersports Precinct such as club storage facilities, access, park furniture and vegetation.
Future works will include upgrades to the picnic and BBQ area along Sylvan Beach Esplanade near Pirate Park, making it easier for food vendors and gatherings.
We will continue to develop designs for other areas of the masterplan based on the valuable input we received from the community as more funding becomes available.
Central Precinct Area

South Precinct Area

North Precinct Area

Hotspot Legend
Construction Stage 1 Works - currently underway | |
Construction Stage 2 Works - commencing mid-2025 pending weather and other unforeseeable circumstances | |
Future Concept Area - subject to funding and design requirements | |
![]() | Future Works - subject to funding and design requirements |
Planned improvements
- Increasing space in front of the shops next to the boat ramp to allow more people to congregate safely out of the way of boat and car traffic
- Including more pedestrian crossings
- Improving kerb ramps
- Creating new pathways
- Including more BBQs and picnic tables on flat paved surfaces beneath shade shelters.
- Adding more crossings, paths and marked waiting areas in the boat ramp and carpark area
- Improving lighting in the new picnic area next to the shops.
- Adding more trees and plants to provide shade and native habitats to support the foreshore’s ecological and cultural significance
- Avoiding any work below the high tide mark to protect the marine environment.
- Updated masterplan indicates future upgrades to existing playground areas
- Current proposed work includes more picnic spots, seating areas, and new pathways to make Bellara even more fun with a wider range of things to do.
- The updated masterplan identifies potential spots for beach access in the future
- Utilising existing access points and pathways to provide better access to existing park infrastructure
- In the first stage of priority work no new access points will be added to the beach, but existing access will be improved.