This planning scheme amendment has now been adopted.

Moreton Bay Regional Council undertakes land use and infrastructure planning activities to manage development across our rapidly growing region.

Council’s Local Government Infrastructure Plan (LGIP) is an important part of our Planning Scheme and identifies and prioritises trunk (higher order) infrastructure needed to support current and future urban development and growth within the Priority Infrastructure Area (PIA). The PIA is an area that is serviced or intended to be serviced by trunk infrastructure and will accommodate 10 to 15 years of growth.

Trunk infrastructure provides vital services to our communities. It is the green spaces, parks and sporting fields in which we play and relax, the roads that connect our neighbourhoods to the major State Government managed roads, the pathways on which we cycle and walk, and the systems that manage the impact of development on our floodplains and our waterways’ health.

The LGIP details the trunk infrastructure needed to service and support current and future demand expected by 2036. The LGIP focuses on trunk infrastructure across three networks:

  • stormwater (quality and quantity)
  • transport (roads and active)
  • public parks and land for community facilities.

Having a current LGIP allows Council to integrate its infrastructure planning and land use planning, and to levy infrastructure charges on new development that can then be used to fund the trunk infrastructure.

The proposed planning scheme amendment for LGIP Interim Amendment No. 1 was made available for public comment from 26 July and 20 August 2021. Nine submissions were received. Council has considered all submissions received during this period and prepared a Consultation Report that outlines how Council has responded to the matters raised by the submissions.

On 21 December 2021, the planning scheme amendment for LGIP Interim Amendment No. 1 came into effect. The amendment can be viewed and downloaded from Council’s website.

The current Moreton Bay Regional Council Planning Scheme including the LGIP can be viewed on Council's website.